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Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine

The Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine (JZWM) is the official publication of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) and the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV), and it is supported by the American College of Zoological Medicine (ACZM), and the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA).

The Journal is considered one of the major sources of information on the veterinary aspects of zoological species and wildlife. Areas of interest include anatomy, physiology, medicine, surgery, diagnostic imaging, reproduction, nutrition, parasitology, microbiology, immunology, pathology (including infectious diseases and clinical pathology), toxicology, pharmacology, anesthesiology, and epidemiology.

The Journal is published quarterly, is peer reviewed, is indexed by the major abstracting services, and is international in its scope and distribution.

Days in Review

The Editorial Board of JZWM works hard to conduct the peer-review process efficiently, aiming for the fastest turn-around time possible. The graph to the right shows the average duration of the first two steps of the peer-review process during 2021- i.e., getting the manuscript through the initial formatting and quality check and assigned to an Associate Editor, and the time for the first decision to be rendered. The overall duration of the peer-review process is quite variable, affected by factors such as the number of revisions needed, the availability of reviewers, the timeliness of the reviews, and the duration of revisions.

Things that authors can do to shorten the review process:

  • Ensure all formatting guidelines are met,
  • Ensure the English usage is publication-quality at first submission,
  • Provide suggestions for reviewers who are experts in the field of their manuscript topic,
  • Turn around revisions promptly, and
  • Form a good communication channel with their Associate Editor and check in regularly.

To go to the JZWM submission requirements, please click HERE.

JZWM Circulation

Annually, authors from more than 30 countries submit manuscripts to the JZWM. On average, 60% of these submissions are from Europe and North America. To encourage authors from other countries to submit their valuable manuscripts, the AAZV offers discounted memberships to residents of qualifying nations called "The Developing Nation Limited Membership" and this discount is extended to JZWM submissions.

The Journal has a circulation of over 1000 subscribers. It publishes review articles on topics of importance to the readership, manuscripts of original research, clinical case series (of three or more cases), and clinical briefs of single cases that are of high importance to the body of literature in our field. JZWM also encourages the submission of relevant editorials, letters to the editor and special reports as deemed relevant by the Editorial Board.

All Journal abstracts are available online through BioOne Complete. This site can also be accessed from the AAZV website under the Journal tab/Current and Archived Issues. Journal content is open-access to all members of AAZV and EAZWV. For non-members, content is closed-access, with access to full text articles available for purchase through the AAZV Store.

Publication Management

The publication is managed by the Operations Committee of the AAZV, which includes the appointed Chair and Co-Chair, the Executive Directors of AAZV and EAZWV, the JZWM Editor-in-Chief, the ACZM liaison to AAZV, and consultants as chosen by the committee. 

Professional Categories
ACZM Diplomates 23
ECZM Diplomates 9
Non-zoo Specialists 8
Other Specialty Boards Represented  11
PhD's 8
Peer review is managed by the Editorial Board, comprised of the Chair and Co-Chair, the Editor-in-Chief, and the team of 37 Associate Editors spanning a broad range of expertise.  
As you can see, you do not have to be a diplomate to serve as an AAZV Associate Editor. If you would like to join the Editorial Team, please email  AAZV.
To access the Foreign Language Archives, please click HERE 

More about the Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine